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GOMI Newburyport Team

GOMI acknowledges all the contributions of the students, teachers, scientists, nonprofit partners and donors who have made this past year productive and successful! Our participants share their knowledge and experiences locally and regionally in a variety of forums. Below is an example of one conference where students described their experiences.

Newburyport GOMI students join colleagues from Ipswich and Gloucester high schools in presenting at Great Salt Marsh Symposium on November 8 at the Essex Room, Essex, MA. The Symposium, now in its seventh year, is an annual event organized by the Great Marsh Coalition. This year’s theme was “Celebrating the Great Marsh: Fostering the Future.”

The event featured multiple presentations and discussions about traditional uses of the marsh and how they are being affected by climate change.

Last on the agenda was the presentation by the Climate Change Café high school students. Leading a discussion in Climate Change Café style and presenting their wishes from the adult audience their compelling performance won a standing ovation. It also prompted Nancy Pau, US Fish, and Wildlife Biologist, to email all, “I want to let you know how proud I am of your leadership during the Great Marsh Symposium last week. I heard some of you were nervous, and I couldn't tell from your speeches at all. Everyone I talked to after the Symposium talked about how powerful the Climate Cafe session was. Good job!”

Students left to right as you face the pci are Olivial Sullivan, Bailey Fogel, Kendall Woods, Sydney Thirkell, Jaedin Guldenstern, Noah Keller and Dreese Fadil

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